Off In The Weeds

One of the scariest stories in the Bible is about a farmer planting seeds. I know what you're thinking; a farmer planting seeds—REAL SCARY. I admit it sounds ridiculous, especially when you consider that I live in Iowa surrounded by corn and bean fields. But before you completely dismiss me, give me a chance to explain.

Jesus tells the Parable of the Sower to a crowd in Mark 4. Later in the day, Jesus privately unpacks the meaning of the story to his friends, and he explains that it symbolizes different people's reactions to his words. 

I want to believe that I am one of the seeds planted in the good earth to bear fruit. However, there are times in my life when I start to see weeds springing up around me. Jesus explains: "The seed cast in the weeds represents the ones who hear the kingdom news but are overwhelmed with worries about all the things they have to do and all the things they want to get. The stress strangles what they heard, and nothing comes of it."

As the old hymn states, "Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it." That's me, that's my heart, and the speed and complexities of my modern life aren't helping it. There have been seasons in my life when there was too much on my plate. Days would go by without opening my Bible and moments when I felt like I didn't have time to pray. And even though I could feel the weeds start to surround me, my tendency has been to stack more on my plate and continue to stand there.

So, I hold these verses with holy fear. They scare me, and that's a good thing! They keep me clinging to my Savior. It's easy to get off in the weeds and distracted by this world, so I pray that God would lift my eyes away from the worries and riches of this world and up to Him.

Brock Henderson

Brock believes the world is a better place when we play together. As co-founder and CTO of PxlPug, he is excited to share that message with the world. PxlPug’s purpose is to create a healthy community where individuals are valued for who they are and are encouraged to grow into who they were created to be. The studio does this by crafting games that bring people together.

A designer, developer, and entrepreneur, he has a passion for creating video games and a proven track record with over 25 shipped titles and 3+ million downloads. Before entering the games industry, he co-founded the design firm Paper Tower where he served as creative director for over a decade. During that time, he designed interactive experiences for clients like Coca-Cola, Motorola, and Harvard.

Brock currently resides in a small town in Iowa with his beautiful wife Vanessa and their six children.

The Sacred


Ambiguity Is The Enemy