More of my thoughts on the topic of faith and game development can be found at FaithForms
Too Beautiful To Be False
Have you ever encountered an idea so beautiful that you thought it must be true?
Thomas Brush Podcast
I recently had the pleasure of talking with Thomas Brush about faith, identity, and the challenges of indie game development. They are topics dear to me, and I’m thankful for the opportunity to share my journey with you.
The Sacred
I've had countless discussions with intelligent, articulate people around what separates the sacred from the secular. Some believe a line exists between the two. However, I have come to think everything is sacred.
Off In The Weeds
One of the scariest stories in the Bible is about a farmer planting seeds. I admit it sounds ridiculous, especially when you consider that I live in Iowa surrounded by corn and bean fields.
In Search Of The New
Our world is constantly searching for a new, fresh, hot thing. New. Not just new, but brand new. Better yet, new and improved! It's an insatiable desire that countless industries build upon—a never-ending treadmill for creating goods and content to satisfy our longings for the new.
When God Breaks Through The Art
The Creator was right there in the moment of need when an artist in his creation needed help. God answered Serj’s silent, creative cries for help in a way that only God could.
Bigger and Simpler Than You Could Imagine
God’s plan for us is big. Bigger than you can imagine. It touches every part of our lives and reaches every corner of the globe. He wants all of us, every fiber of our beings. But unlike our plans, His plan is simple.